NCERT explained

6th Social Science NCERT Chapter 2

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– The Earliest People: Why Were They on the Move?

Summary: Early inhabitants of the subcontinent, known as hunter-gatherers, moved from place to place in search of food due to the depletion of resources, animal movements, changing seasons, and the need for water.

– From Hunting-Gathering to Growing Food

Summary: Transition from hunting-gathering to agriculture involved the understanding of environmental changes, adaptation to warmer climate conditions leading to grasslands, hunting practices, and the beginning of farming, herding, and domestication of animals like dogs, sheep, goats, and cattle. – Choosing a Place to Live In

Summary: Archaeological evidence from sites like Bhimbetka in Madhya Pradesh shows early human settlements in caves close to water sources, abundant stone tools, and cave paintings depicting wild animals.

– Rock Paintings and What They Tell Us

Summary: Rock paintings found in caves provide insights into the lives of early humans, their hunting practices, and artistic skills.

– Finding Out About Fire

Summary: Traces of ash in caves like Kurnool suggest early humans' use of fire for various purposes, similarly to how fire is used today.

– Names and Dates

Summary: The Palaeolithic period (2 million – 12,000 years ago) marked by stone tools, the Mesolithic period (12,000 – 10,000 years ago) with microliths, and the Neolithic period (10,000 years ago) indicating the shift to agriculture and settlement.

– A Changing Environment

Summary: Environmental changes around 12,000 years ago led to warmer conditions, the growth of grasslands, and an increase in animals like deer and cattle, prompting humans to start herding and farming.

– The Beginning of Farming and Herding

Summary: Natural growth of grain-bearing grasses led early humans to collect and eventually cultivate these grains, initiating agriculture. Early domestication of animals like dogs and later sheep, goats, and cattle played a role in the transition to herding societies.

Why did hunter-gatherers move from place to place?

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What significance do caves and rock shelters hold for early people?

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Describe the purpose and significance of the paintings found in rock shelters.

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What does the term 'Neolithic' signify in the context of human history?

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How did the shift towards warm conditions around 12,000 years ago impact human activities and lifestyle?

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