NCERT explained

6th Social Science NCERT Chapter 4

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Topics to study from the chapter "What Books and Burials Tell Us" along with 1-2 lined summaries for each:

1. Vedas, including Rigveda: Composed about 3500 years ago, the Rigveda contains over a thousand hymns in praise of gods like Agni, Indra, and Soma, composed by sages and memorized meticulously7.

2. Sanskrit and Indo-European Languages: Sanskrit is part of the Indo-European language family, shared with languages like English, Hindi, and Persian, while other languages in India belong to different language families like Dravidian and Tibeto-Burman7.

3. Historical Study of Rigveda: Historians study the Rigveda to learn about ancient societies, analyzing both material remains and written sources like hymns that give insights into ancient customs and beliefs7.

4. Rituals and Society in the Rigveda: Battles described in the Rigveda were fought for cattle, land, water, and people, with wealth distributed among leaders, priests, and the populace, used for sacrifices and offerings to gods7.

5. Descriptions of People in the Rigveda: People in the Rigveda are described by their work such as priests (brahmins) and rulers (rajas), and as communities (jana) or clans (vish), with references to groups like Aryas, Dasas, and different tribes like Puru and Yadu7.

Who composed the hymns in the Rigveda?

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What are the names of the three important gods praised in the Rigveda?

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How did historians study the Rigveda according to the text?

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What were some of the reasons battles were fought according to the Rigveda?

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Describe two groups of people mentioned in the Rigveda based on their work.

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