NCERT explained

6th Social Science NCERT Chapter 8

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Based on the content of the chapter in the attached file, here are the important topics that students should study along with brief summaries for revision:

1. Iron Tools and Agriculture:

– Introduction to the use of iron tools in the subcontinent around 3000 years ago.

– Growth in the use of iron tools like axes and ploughshares around 2500 years ago for agriculture, leading to increased production.

2. Steps to Increase Production: Irrigation:

– Discussion on the importance of irrigation for increasing agricultural production.

– Description of irrigation works like canals, wells, tanks, and artificial lakes built during that time.

3. People in Villages:

– Different types of people in villages in the southern and northern parts of the subcontinent.

– Roles of large landowners, ploughmen, landless laborers, village headmen, independent farmers, and craftspersons.

4. Coins and Trade:

– Information about punch-marked coins used over 500 years and their circulation.

– Introduction of Sangam literature in Tamil composed around 2300 years ago.

5. Cities with Many Functions:

– Example of Mathura as an important settlement for over 2500 years.

– Description of Mathura as a center for travel, trade, sculpture, religious practices, and inscriptions by various individuals.

6. Crafts and Craftspersons:

– Archaeological evidence of crafts like Northern Black Polished Ware (NBPW) pottery.

– Reference to the shrenis, associations of craftspersons and merchants that organized training, raw materials, finished products, and trade.

These topics cover aspects related to tools, agriculture, irrigation, societal structures, trade practices, cultural aspects, and craftsmanship discussed in the chapter.

What are some iron tools that were used around 2500 years ago and how were they significant?

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Describe the different kinds of people who lived in villages in the southern and northern parts of the subcontinent.

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Discuss the importance of Mathura as a settlement around 2000 years ago.

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Explain the significance of punch-marked coins and their circulation in the subcontinent.

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How did the shrenis function in ancient societies and what roles did they play?

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