NCERT explained

7th NCERT Social Science Chapter 6

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Important Topics and Summaries:

1. Understanding Media: Media encompasses various forms of communication like radio, TV, newspapers, and the Internet. It influences our daily lives and keeps us informed about events and issues around the world7.

2. Media and Technology: The evolution of technology has greatly impacted mass media, enabling it to reach large audiences with improved quality of sound and images. Television has played a significant role in connecting us to a global world7.

3. Media and Money: The technologies used by mass media are costly, leading to a focus on revenue generation through advertising. TV channels and newspapers are often owned by big business houses, highlighting the financial aspect of media operations7.

4. Media and Democracy: In a democracy, the media plays a crucial role in providing balanced information to citizens. This information enables people to understand government workings and take actions based on news stories7.

What is the word that collectively refers to the radio, TV, newspapers, Internet, and other forms of communication?

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Why are newspapers called print media?

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How does the technology used by mass media, such as television and satellites, impact our perception of the world?

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Why do most television channels and newspapers belong to big business houses?

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In a democracy, what role does the media play in informing citizens and facilitating action?

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