NCERT explained

8th English NCERT (It So Happened) Chapter 5

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Based on the search results, here are the important topics students should study from the chapter along with brief summaries for each topic:

1. Rajas of Mahajanapadas: Learn about the new kinds of rajas, mahajanapadas, Alexander's invasion, and the end of the ganas or sanghas.

2. Vajji and Magadha Kingdoms: Contrasts between Magadha and Vajji, including their forms of government, powerful rulers like Bimbisara and Ajatasattu, and the significance of capital cities like Rajagriha and Pataliputra.

3. Institutions and Assemblies: Explore the functioning of assemblies in the ganas and sanghas, the roles of different groups in decision-making processes, and the outcomes of conquerors like the Gupta rulers on these institutions.

These topics cover the evolution of governance structures, influential kingdoms, and the organization of early republics in ancient India.

How did Princess September and her sisters receive their gifts on the King's birthday?

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Why did Princess September's parrot die, and what happened next?

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Describe Princess September's initial reaction to her parrot's death. How did she eventually feel after encountering the singing bird?

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How did Princess September's sisters react to her relationship with the singing bird?

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What concerns did Princess September have about the singing bird's absence, and how did she ultimately act on her sisters' advice?

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