NCERT explained

8th Science NCERT Chapter 13

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Topics to Study from the Chapter on Light:

1. What Makes Things Visible

– Objects are seen when light from them enters our eyes, either emitted or reflected by the object.

2. Laws of Reflection

– The angle of incidence is always equal to the angle of reflection; reflection involves incident and reflected rays.

3. Image Formation by a Plane Mirror

– Understanding features of the image formed by a plane mirror (orientation, size, distance, obtainability).

4. Regular and Diffused Reflection

– Regular reflection occurs on smooth surfaces, creating clear images, while diffused reflection happens on rough surfaces.

5. Reflected Light Can Be Reflected Again

– Exploring how reflected light can be further reflected, as seen in situations like looking into mirrors in hair salons.

How is seeing made possible according to the chapter?

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What happens to light when it strikes a polished or shiny surface like a mirror?

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What is the relationship between the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection according to the laws of reflection?

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What does diffused or irregular reflection refer to?

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Explain the concept of lateral inversion in an image formed by a mirror.

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