NCERT explained

8th Science NCERT Chapter 5

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Based on the content of the chapter "Conservation of Plants and Animals," here are the important topics students should study along with brief summaries for each topic:

1. Deforestation and Its Causes:

– Deforestation involves clearing forests for various purposes like cultivation, construction, and wood usage.

– Deforestation reduces rainfall and can lead to floods due to changes in the soil properties8.

2. Consequences of Deforestation:

– Deforestation leads to increased temperature, pollution, carbon dioxide levels, and disturbance in the natural balance.

– Groundwater levels decrease, and there is a risk of natural calamities like floods and droughts8.

3. Conservation of Forest and Wildlife:

– Understanding the importance of conserving forests and wildlife to prevent adverse effects like habitat destruction and biodiversity loss.

– Establishing protected areas like wildlife sanctuaries, national parks, and biosphere reserves to safeguard flora and fauna8.

4. Biosphere Reserve:

– Exploring biosphere reserves as areas designated for conserving biodiversity, supporting the unique plant and animal life.

– Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve example featuring a national park and two wildlife sanctuaries for protection8.

5. Flora and Fauna:

– Identifying flora and fauna specific to different regions, appreciating the diverse plant and animal life.

– Understanding the importance of respecting the habitats of animals and plants to maintain ecological balance8.

6. Endemic Species:

– Learning about endemic species that are unique to certain regions and the importance of preserving them to prevent extinction.

– Exploring the biodiversity of different areas and recognizing the significance of each species present8.

These topics provide a comprehensive overview of the chapter on the conservation of plants and animals, covering aspects like causes of deforestation, its consequences, conservation methods, and the importance of preserving biodiversity.

What are some natural causes of deforestation mentioned in the chapter?

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How does deforestation lead to a decrease in rainfall and an increase in floods?

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What is the purpose of creating national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, and biosphere reserves?

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How does deforestation impact the soil properties and fertility according to the chapter?

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What are some examples of flora and fauna mentioned in the Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve in the chapter?

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