NCERT explained

8th Social Science – Our Pasts lll – Chapter 4

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Important Topics to Study from the Chapter:

1. Tribals, Dikus and the Vision of a Golden Age

– Summary: The chapter discusses Birsa, a leader trying to save his people from the slavery of outsiders (dikus) and the problems faced by tribal groups in British India.

2. How Tribal Groups Lived

– Summary: Tribal people engaged in activities like jhum cultivation, hunting, and gathering for survival, showing dependence on forests and local markets for sustenance.

3. Dependence on Traders and Moneylenders

– Summary: Tribal communities often relied on traders and moneylenders, leading to debt and poverty due to high interest rates charged, causing them to view these outsiders as the cause of their misery.

4. Herding and Animal Rearing

– Summary: Some tribal groups were pastoralists, moving with herds according to seasons, such as the Van Gujjars of Punjab hills and Bakarwals of Kashmir, illustrating another livelihood strategy.

5. Calendar and Division of Tasks

– Summary: The lives of tribal groups were regulated by specific tasks for men and women, observed across different regions as described by Verrier Elwin, showcasing a unique approach to work and time.

Students can focus on these topics and summaries to grasp the key points of the chapter efficiently.

Who was Birsa and what problems did he set out to resolve?

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Describe the lifestyle of the shifting cultivators as explained in the chapter.

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How did forest people obtain rice and grains, and what led to their dependence on traders and moneylenders?

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Explain the lifestyle of tribal groups who were hunters and gatherers based on the information from the chapter.

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How were tribal groups who lived as pastoralists different in their way of life compared to shifting cultivators and hunters?

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