NCERT explained

8th Social Science – Social & Political – Chapter 3

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Topics to study from the chapter:

1. Functions of Parliament and its connection to the idea of parliamentary democracy.

– Summary: Parliament plays a critical role in enabling citizens to participate in decision-making and control the government, symbolizing Indian democracy.

2. Understanding laws and the role of people in the making of new laws.

– Summary: Children should learn how laws apply equitably with examples from familiar contexts, understanding the important role people play in transforming social issues into laws.

3. Unpopular laws and examples of laws restricting Fundamental Rights.

– Summary: Discuss laws that restrict Fundamental Rights and explore examples of groups protesting unjust laws, using the Constitution as a yardstick for discussion.

4. People's participation in decision-making and the importance of consent in a democracy.

– Summary: The desire, approval, and participation of people form the basis of democratic government, with individuals giving approval through elections and controlling the government via chosen representatives.

5. Role of Parliament in Indian democracy, powers, and representative nature.

– Summary: The Indian Parliament reflects the principles of democracy through people's participation and government by consent, with immense powers due to being the representative of the people.

These topics cover key aspects discussed in the chapter, helping students understand the functioning of Parliament, the significance of laws, and the role of citizens in democratic processes.

Why is universal adult franchise important in a democracy?

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Explain the role of elections in a democracy with regard to forming the government.

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Differentiate between the State Legislative Assembly (Vidhan Sabha) and the Parliament (Lok Sabha).

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Why do representatives in a democracy serve for a fixed period of time rather than for life?

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Describe three ways, other than through elections, that citizens can express approval or disapproval of the actions of the government.

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