NCERT explained

9th Health and Physical Education NCERT Chapter 14

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– Special health services needed for adolescents: Special health services for adolescents are necessary due to their developmental stage, concerns, and specific needs which may vary with age, sex, marital status, class, region, and cultural context. The importance of flexible and responsive interventions tailored to adolescents' diverse needs is highlighted in this chapter【4:0†source】.

– Common barriers preventing adolescents from using health facilities: Adolescents may avoid using health facilities due to lack of privacy, uncertainty about confidentiality, financial constraints, inconvenient timings, and discomfort【4:0†source】.

– Various health needs of adolescents: Adolescents have diverse health needs including nutritional requirements, reproductive and sexual health concerns, mental health issues, substance abuse prevention, and managing accidental injuries. Addressing these needs through services like Adolescent Friendly Health Services (AFHS) is essential【4:0†source】.

– Challenges in sharing reproductive and sexual health problems with AFHS doctors: Reproductive and sexual health issues can be difficult to share due to societal taboos, myths, and the sensitive nature of these topics. Adolescents may feel hesitant or embarrassed to discuss such issues openly with healthcare providers【4:0†source】.

Why are special health services needed for adolescents? Give four reasons.

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What are the common barriers which prevent adolescents from using the health facilities?

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Explain the various health needs of Adolescents.

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Why are reproductive and sexual health problems the most difficult to share with the AFHS doctor? Give at least three reasons.

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What are the main reasons adolescents do not go to hospitals?

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