NCERT explained

9th Health and Physical Education NCERT Chapter 4

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– Muscular Strength: Amount of force applied by a muscle or muscle group for one maximal effort. To improve, work against resistance like weights or gravity.

– Muscular Endurance: Ability of a muscle to exert force against a submaximal load for a given time before fatiguing.

– Body Composition: Proportion of body mass to body fat, including muscle, fat, bone, and other vital parts. Important for health and managing body fat.

– Flexibility: Range of motion around a joint, key for injury prevention. Improve through yoga, gymnastics, and stretching.

– Agility: Ability to change and control body direction while in motion.

– Balance: Ability to control the body while standing still or moving.

– Coordination: Ability to use senses with body parts during movement.

– Speed: Ability to move swiftly. Essential in sports for gaining advantages over opponents.

– Power: Ability to move body parts swiftly with maximum muscle force.

– Reaction Time: Ability to quickly respond to stimuli like sound or sight.

These are important topics to study from the chapter in the attached PDF file "9th Health and Physical Education NCERT Chapter 4"【4:0†source】.

What is meant by physical fitness?

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