NCERT explained

9th Health and Physical Education NCERT Chapter 8

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– Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, Citizenship are the pillars of fair play in sports ethics【4:2†source】.

– The responsibility to ensure observance of sports ethics belongs to individuals, governments, sports-related organizations, and the commercial sector【4:2†source】.

– Government's responsibilities include encouraging ethical standards in sports and improving controls on integrity and ethics in funding of amateur sports【4:4†source】.

What are the six pillars of fair play commonly described as sport ethics?

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Explain the responsibility of individuals concerning personal behavior in sports.

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What is the importance of being a positive role model in sports?

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Describe the responsibilities of sports-related organizations regarding sports ethics.

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What is the significance of promoting sports ethics in cooperation with the sports movement?

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