NCERT explained

9th Health and Physical Education NCERT Chapter 9

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– **Important Topics and Summaries:**

1. **Bhastrika Pranayama:**

– **Summary:** Involves controlled breathing to improve appetite, destroy phlegm, and help with asthma. Should be avoided in specific health conditions【4:0†source】.

2. **Uddiyana Bandha:**

– **Summary:** Involves raising the diaphragm up and holding it high in the thoracic cavity. Beneficial for respiratory efficiency and abdominal muscles but should be avoided in certain health conditions【4:0†source】.

3. **Halasana:**

– **Summary:** Involves stretching the body to resemble a plough shape. Helps reduce stiffness in the body. Should be avoided by individuals with specific health conditions【4:0†source】.

4. **Tadasana (Palm tree posture):**

– **Summary:** Standing straight with arms stretched upward to improve height, body muscles, and self-awareness. Not suitable for those with vertigo【4:2†source】.

5. **Katichakrasana (Lumber Twist Posture):**

– **Summary:** Involves twisting the waist from right to left, resembling a wheel. Helpful for the waist and arms movement but should be avoided by individuals with specific issues【4:2†source】.

6. **Surya Namaskar:**

– **Summary:** A sequence of yoga postures improving strength, flexibility, concentration, and various bodily systems. Benefits include fat reduction, improved digestion, and overall body revitalization【4:4†source】.

Mention various dimensions of personality.

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Which yogic practice is useful for developing the physical dimension of personality?

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Which practice can help you develop emotional control?

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Write two advantages of asana.

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What are the benefits of Kapalabhati?

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