NCERT explained

9th Sanskrit NCERT Abhyaswaan Bhav Chapter 2

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– अववशाथिथं प्राथिवना-पत्म: Students should study about the maintenance of school premises. Summary: The chapter discusses the importance of maintaining the school premises for the benefit of the students【4:0†source】.

– ध्वीं: भवत: वशिष्टम्: Students should learn about their responsibilities. Summary: The chapter emphasizes the importance of fulfilling responsibilities diligently【4:1†source】.

– पट्ठवायुरीमानं वाणवनं शयुमुर्यननं प्रधानाचानं / प्रवठठं प्राथिवना-पत्म स्थितनं: The chapter covers the significance of preserving environmental cleanliness around the school. Summary: It highlights the primary role of maintaining cleanliness around the school premises for environmental health【4:3†source】.

– 'ई-मनी' इतद्वम्: Students should understand the importance of "E-Money." Summary: The chapter introduces the concept of E-Money and its significance in modern transactions【4:2†source】.

– परितीष्ठयुमार: वाण्वनं श्युयुयनं वदनं श्युत्यं नातुत्यं परठति स्युमचेषि पतिम्: Students should study the narrative about a family visit to Kashmir. Summary: It describes a family's journey to Kashmir and their observations about the region【4:3†source】.

What is the significance of 'E-money' mentioned in the chapter?

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Explain the concept of 'Prathamasatpiniṣṭhā' described in the chapter.

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Describe the 'Parīkṣāpararaṇāma' mentioned in the text.

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What lessons can be inferred from the story of 'Mañjuṣmat' mentioned in the chapter?

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How does the chapter discuss the role of 'Svoparaṇam' and its impact on one's confidence and behavior?

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