NCERT explained

9th Sanskrit NCERT Shemushi Prathmo Chapter 4

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– foÙkr% {kh.k% dhn`'k% Hkofr: Aversive

– dL; izfrowQykfu dk;kZf.k ijs"kka u lekpjsr~: Gist of righteous

– oqQ=k nfjnzrk u Hkosr~: Meritorious

– o`{kk% Lo;a dkfu u [kknfUr: Riches

– dk iqjk y?oh Hkofr: Increasing Visible .

What is the topic of the chapter in the attached file?

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Provide an example of separating items mentioned in the chapter.

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What attribute is discussed in relation to 'Differentiation of Good and Bad People'?

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Which topics are compared 'Bigger in the beginning' in the chapter?

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What aspect is described to be 'Undrinkable' in the chapter?

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