NCERT explained

9th Sanskrit NCERT Shemushi Prathmo Chapter 9

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– Students should study the following important topics from the chapter:

1. Definition and examples of different forms of combinations of letters – lÄïYi, lRlÄïYi, vkpkj, lnkpkj, tu, lTtu, lÄõfr, lRlÄõfr, efr, lUefr.

2. Concept of 'vk"kZopu' and 'i×prÙo'.

3. Understanding the structure and different aspects of the combinations of letters in the chapter【4:0†source】.

– Summary for students:

Study and revise the various combinations of letters provided in the chapter along with their definitions and examples to enhance your understanding of Sanskrit language components【4:0†source】.

What is the well wisher of the society referred to as in the chapter?

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Provide one task related to cutting trees mentioned in the chapter.

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What is the chapter emphasizing the removal of from the Earth?

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Which term is used to describe the Nector for ears in the chapter?

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Mention one item emphasized as undrinkable in the text.

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