NCERT explained

9th Sanskrit NCERT Vyakaranavithi Chapter 3

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– Important Topics from Chapter 3: Sandhi

1. Types of Sandhi:

i) सन्धिनिधानसमास: – Combining two words to make a compound word.

ii) समुनसचतंसन्धिपदंनसन्धवया- Combining two words through Sandhi process.

2. Forms of Sandhi:

i) कीटोऽनप – Combining words like कीट and अनप.

ii) रोजो नयाम – Combining words like रोज and नयाम.

iii) वष्भोरुपरयातम् – Combining words like वष्भो and उपरयातम्.

iv) नशनवज्भ्नत – Combining words like नशन and ज्ञत.

v) कैनचित् – Combining words like कै and नचित्.

vi) महयापरुषरैनप – Combining words like मह and अपरुष.

vii) नमस्कयार: – Combining words like नम and अस्कयार.

viii) धिनषुष्टङ्कयार: – Combining words like अधि and षुष्टङ्कयार【4:0†source】【4:2†source】.

What is the result of combining 'त' + 'र' + 'आ'?

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Provide the combination for 'स्वरयाव:' using the given fragments.

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Explain the combination of 'सीतया' + 'पुस्तकम्'.

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How would you complete the combination for 'नो-अन-दत्'?

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What is the result of combining 'धी-नष्ट-ङ्क-यार:'?

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