9th Sanskrit NCERT Vyakaranavithi Chapter 4
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– Topic: Savvyam (सव्वनाम)
Summary: Savvyam refers to pronouns like sarvam, yat, tat, etat, vakam, idam, asmad, yushmad, adas, idrish, kavatapy, ubh, and kidrish used in all cases【4:0†source】.
– Topic: Sankhyashabd (संख्याशब्द)
Summary: Sankhyashabd includes numbers like ek, dvai, trai, chatur, and panchan【4:0†source】.
– Topic: Formation of different forms of words
Summary: Practice sentences include forms like singular, dual, and plural in different cases and for various gender forms【4:1†source】.
– Topic: Word Forms: Akarant, Akarant, etc. (अकारानत, आकारानत)
Summary: Different forms of words like balak, balaka, phala, raja in singular, dual, and plural forms are explained with examples【4:4†source】.
What is the smallest unit of a sentence referred to as in grammar?
What are the different forms of words mentioned in grammar?
Cases, Pronouns, Vocative, and Nouns
Explain the concept of 'Sanjna' in Sanskrit grammar.
In 'Sanjna', words are categorized into three groups which include 'Sanjna' words, pronouns, and numerals.
How are 'Sanjna' words classified based on the presence of vowels or consonants at the end?
Based on the presence of vowels or consonants at the end, 'Sanjna' words are classified into three groups: with vowels, without vowels, and with halant.
What are the different categories of sounds that determine the classification of words in Sanskrit grammar?
The different categories of sounds include vowels and consonants, with specific sounds like 'a, aa, i, ii' being considered as vowels and others being categorized based on the presence of vowels or consonants at the end.
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