NCERT explained

9th Sanskrit NCERT Vyakaranavithi Chapter 8

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– Important topics for students to study from Chapter 8:

1. Adhoṭhiṭhaktā Pratyayānusāra Prayogena Pañca, Pañca Padārthoṭhananiścita Sphoṭasataka Yojanā – Involving the use of suffixes like -tṛ, -ktan, -ṇvlu, -tū, -yat.

2. Śuddharūpamṛcchita – Forming correct words by combining root words with suffixes like gam + ktan, dā + tṛ, nī + ṇvlu, natṛ + tū, dṛś + tū.

3. Pratyayan Sārayujya Tachhrutyaṃ – Combining pratyayas with root words to form words like dṛś + ktvā, praṇamya, upakṣaya, soḍhum, sah + ktvā, ā + nī + tīpa.

4. śuddhapadena śabda-pūrvatatvam karoti – Correct usage of words like jalam, pāṭhaḥ, śatru, asatyavānam, apeyām jalam, dhanam.

These topics cover the application of various grammatical rules and suffixes to form words and sentences effectively from the content of the attached document "9th Sanskrit NCERT Vyakaranavithi Chapter 8.pdf"【4:0†source】【4:1†source】【4:2†source】.

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