9th Sanskrit NCERT Vyakaranavithi Chapter 9
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– समास परिचय (Introduction to Compound Words)
– Important Topics:
1. बहुव्रीहि समास (Bahuvrihi Compound)
2. तत्पुरुष समास (Tatpurush Compound)
3. एकशेष (Ekasesh)
4. प्रत्यय शेष (Pratyay Sekh)
– Summary: Introduction to the different types of compound words like Bahuvrihi, Tatpurush, Ekasesh, and Pratyay Sekh
– उदाहारण (Examples)
– Important Topics:
1. एकशेष (Ekasesh)
2. तत्पुरुष समास (Tatpurush Compound)
3. बहुव्रीहि समास (Bahuvrihi Compound)
– Summary: Examples illustrating the concepts of Ekasesh, Tatpurush Compound, and Bahuvrihi Compound in compound words
– प्रकर्षमं नवीन (Special Mentioned Topics)
– Important Topics:
1. Topics related to specific compound word structures.
– Summary: Focus on specific noteworthy topics related to compound word formations
What is the main characteristic of Tatpurusha Samas?
The main characteristic of Tatpurusha Samas is that usually the last word in the compound is prominent and refers to the head element (uttarapada).
Provide an example of a Dvandva Samas with the usage of 'iti' as a Vinvy to show sameness in both padas.
An example of a Dvandva Samas using 'iti' as a Vinvy to show sameness in both padas is 'पावयुतरीच् पिमशेविश्च' which forms 'पावयुतरीपिमशेविौ'.
Explain the concept of Ekashesh Samas with an example.
In Ekashesh Samas, when one of the two padas in a compound gets elided, leaving only one padam, it is called Ekashesh. An example is 'वपंश्च वपित्श्च' which forms 'वपितौ'.
What is the definition of Pratayasekam?
Pratayasekam means 'one by one, each one', indicating individual separation.
Provide an example of an Itareyatra Dvandva Samas showcasing different genders in the compound.
An example of Itareyatra Dvandva Samas showcasing different genders is 'पतिश्च कन्या च' which forms 'पतिकन्ये'.
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