NCERT explained

9th Science NCERT Chapter 10

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Topics to Study from the Chapter on "Work and Energy":

1. Work

– Definition of work differs in daily use and in science

– Scientifically, work is done when there is a displacement of an object despite effort【4:0†source】.

2. Energy

– Different forms of energy: kinetic, potential, heat, chemical, etc.

– Mechanical energy is the sum of kinetic and potential energies【4:1†source】.

3. Power

– Rate of doing work

– SI unit is watt (W), where 1 W = 1 J/s【4:1†source】.

4. Law of Conservation of Energy

– Energy can be transformed from one form to another but not created or destroyed

– Total energy remains constant before and after transformations【4:3†source】.

5. Kinetic Energy

– Expression for kinetic energy of an object: \( E_k = \frac{1}{2}mv^2 \)

– Kinetic energy increases with the square of velocity【4:4†source】.

6. Energy Conversions

– Various instances of energy conversion in nature

– Activities and gadgets involving energy conversion【4:3†source】.

Students can use these summaries for revision.

What is the work done on an object by the gravitational force when it is moved horizontally from point A to point B?

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Does the potential energy of a freely falling object violate the law of conservation of energy? Explain.

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Explain the various energy transformations that occur when riding a bicycle.

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When pushing a huge rock with all your might and failing to move it, does energy transfer take place? Where does the energy you spend go?

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If a household consumes 250 units of energy in a month, how much energy is this in joules?

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