9th Science NCERT Chapter 4
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– Charged Particles in Matter: Students should study about the nature of charged particles in matter, the presence of electrons and protons in atoms, and the concept of electric charge through various experiments【4:0†source】.
– The Structure of an Atom: Students should learn about the structure of an atom, including the arrangement of sub-atomic particles (electrons, protons, and neutrons), atomic number, mass number, isotopes, isobars, and the models proposed by J.J. Thomson, Rutherford, and Bohr【4:1†source】【4:2†source】.
– Valency of Elements: Students should understand the concept of valency, how it is determined based on the number of electrons in the outermost shell, and how to calculate valency for different elements like magnesium, aluminum, chlorine, and sulfur【4:2†source】.
– Atomic Number and Mass Number: Students should grasp the significance of atomic number (number of protons) and mass number (sum of protons and neutrons) in defining elements, along with the notation representing an atom's atomic number, mass number, and symbol【4:3†source】.
Compare the properties of electrons, protons and neutrons.
Electrons are negatively charged particles with negligible mass, protons are positively charged particles with a mass of approximately 1 atomic mass unit, and neutrons are neutrally charged particles with a mass of approximately 1 atomic mass unit.
What are the limitations of J.J. Thomson’s model of the atom?
J.J. Thomson's model failed to explain the stability of an atom and the arrangement of electrons within the atom.
What are the limitations of Rutherford’s model of the atom?
Rutherford's model could not explain why negatively charged electrons do not emit radiation and spiral into the nucleus, as well as why matter is stable.
Describe Bohr’s model of the atom.
Bohr's model proposed that electrons orbit the nucleus in fixed paths or shells at specific energy levels, and electrons can jump between these orbits by either emitting or absorbing energy.
Compare all the proposed models of an atom given in this chapter.
The chapter discusses Thomson's model which described the atom as a positive sphere embedded with electrons, Rutherford's model with a dense positive nucleus and electrons orbiting around it, and Bohr's model introducing electron shells with quantized energy levels. Each model built upon the previous, addressing and improving upon the limitations of the earlier models.
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