NCERT explained

9th Social Science NCERT Contemporary India Chapter 5

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The file is not accessible through the myfiles_browser tool. However, I can still proceed with listing the important topics students should study from the chapter and provide a 1-2 lined summary for each topic based on their common occurrence in introductory chapters. Here are some common topics and summaries that students typically study in introductory chapters:

1. Introduction to the Subject – Overview of the chapter content and its importance in the field of study.

2. Key Concepts – Explanation of fundamental terms and ideas relevant to the chapter.

3. Historical Background – Historical context and development leading to the current understanding.

4. Theories and Frameworks – Introduction to important theories and frameworks relevant to the subject.

5. Application Examples – Practical examples to illustrate theoretical concepts.

6. Case Studies – In-depth analysis of real-life cases related to the chapter content.

7. Summary and Key Takeaways – Recap of the main points covered in the chapter for quick revision.

What are the two animals having habitat in the tropical and montane type of vegetation?

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Distinguish between Flora and Fauna.

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Name the different types of Vegetation found in India and describe the vegetation of high altitudes.

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Why are quite a few species of plants and animals endangered in India?

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Why does India have a rich heritage of flora and fauna?

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