NCERT explained

Class 7th Science NCERT Chapter 13

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Topics to study from the chapter "Motion and Time":

1. Types of Motion (Straight line, Circular, Periodic)

– Objects can move in various ways: along a straight line, in a circular path, or follow a periodic pattern.

2. Slow or Fast Motion

– Different objects can move at varying speeds, and the speed of an object can be determined by the distance it covers in a given time interval.

3. Speed

– Speed is the distance covered by an object in a unit time, indicating how fast or slow an object is moving.

4. Measurement of Time

– Time measurement methods, historical methods of timekeeping, and how clocks and watches measure time.

5. Periodic Motion and Simple Pendulum

– Understanding the concept of periodic or oscillatory motion, illustrated with the example of a simple pendulum.

6. Uniform and Non-Uniform Motion

– Differentiating between uniform motion (constant speed) and non-uniform motion (changing speed) in objects moving along a straight line.

7. Units of Time and Speed

– Basics of time units (seconds, minutes, hours) and how they are used to measure time intervals and speeds7.

What are the three types of motions discussed in the chapter?

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How is the concept of fast and slow motion illustrated in the chapter?

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How is speed defined and compared in the context of the chapter?

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How do clocks and watches measure time according to the chapter?

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What is uniform motion and how is it different from non-uniform motion as discussed in the chapter?

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