NCERT explained

Class 7th Science NCERT Chapter 17

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Based on the contents of the file, here are the important topics that students should study from the chapter "Forests: Our Lifeline" along with a 1-2 lined summary for each topic:

1. Visit to a Forest:

– Summary: Children visit a forest with Tibu, learning about the importance of quietness, wildlife, and the diverse plant life within forests.

2. Forest as Habitat:

– Summary: Forests provide homes for various animals and plants, creating a unique ecosystem for diverse species to thrive.

3. Forest Products:

– Summary: Forests provide materials like wood, gum, oils, spices, fodder, and medicinal plants, showcasing the essential resources obtained from forests.

4. Canopy and Understoreys:

– Summary: Children learn about the structure of forests including canopies formed by tall trees and understoreys consisting of shrubs, grasses, and herbs.

5. Interrelationship of Plant, Soil, and Decomposers:

– Summary: Prof Ahmad explains the interdependence of plants, soil, and decomposers in a forest ecosystem, emphasizing the delicate balance of nature.

6. Impact of Deforestation:

– Summary: Prof Ahmad discusses food chains and how disturbances like deforestation can disrupt these chains, highlighting the crucial role of forests in maintaining ecological balance.

These are the key topics students should focus on while studying the chapter "Forests: Our Lifeline" from the file you provided.

Why did many people object to putting up a factory by clearing an area of the forest just outside the town?

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What did the children observe Tibu doing when they met him in the forest?

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Describe how Prof Ahmad explained the importance of forests as a habitat to the children during their visit.

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What advice did Prof Ahmad give to the children regarding their exploration of the forest?

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What concept did Prof Ahmad introduce to the children by explaining how the branches of tall trees look like a roof over other plants in the forest?

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