NCERT explained

English (Honeydew) 8th Chapter 7

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Topics to study from the chapter:

1. Meeting Between Stephen Hawking and Firdaus Kanga

– Summary: The chapter discusses the meeting between two extraordinary individuals, Stephen Hawking and Firdaus Kanga, both of whom are differently-abled. They exchange thoughts on living life in a wheelchair and the reactions of "normal" people towards the disabled.

2. Stephen Hawking's Challenges and Achievements

– Summary: Stephen Hawking, a renowned astrophysicist, is portrayed facing physical challenges due to paralysis but continues to achieve greatness in his field. The chapter highlights his communication through a computer and his significant scientific contributions.

3. Inspirational Interaction with Stephen Hawking

– Summary: The author expresses the impact of meeting Stephen Hawking, sharing insights on bravery, disability, and kindness. The interaction conveys messages of inspiration and the discovery of strength through witnessing similar achievements by disabled individuals.

4. Lessons from Stephen Hawking

– Summary: Stephen Hawking shares advice on focusing on personal strengths, dismissing the idea of disability as advantageous. The chapter reflects on the disabled Olympics and personal experiences, emphasizing the importance of concentrating on individual abilities.

5. Emotional Closure

– Summary: The chapter concludes with an emotional moment as the author leaves after spending time with Stephen Hawking in Cambridge. The author reflects on the impact of the encounter and the image of Hawking waving goodbye, symbolizing personal growth and a sense of closure.

These topics cover the key themes and discussions presented in the chapter for students to study and understand the content effectively.

What form of paralysis does Stephen Hawking suffer from?

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How did the writer manage to arrange a meeting with Stephen Hawking?

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Why did the writer feel weak all over when arranging to meet Stephen Hawking?

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What was Stephen Hawking's response when asked about the best thing about being disabled?

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What advice did Stephen Hawking give to disabled people to improve their lives?

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